Megan Bruns
Director of Development
The ultimate ambition of the Latymer Foundation is to achieve a need blind admission process for Latymer Upper School, where any child with the academic potential is able to join, irrespective of their financial situation.
Continuing to build the Latymer Endowment is critical to achieving this ambition and donations to the endowment are therefore the lifeblood of our long term financial success. The Latymer Endowment is invested on a total return basis and the annual return is used to fund bursaries for current students whilst the capital remains invested for generations to come.
£750,000 in new endowment is currently required to create a fully-funded bursary at Latymer in perpetuity.
If you would like to make a donation to our endowment, and help guarantee the long-term success of our bursary programme, please click the donate button below. We thank you for any support you are able to give.
Donate online Or via BACS transfer:
Latymer Foundation at Hammersmith
Account Number: 41408993
Sort Code: 60-50-06
Branch: NatWest, King Street, London, W6 0QD
Swift Code: NWBKGB2L
IBAN: GB36 NWBK 60500641408993
Reference: include your initials and surname