
Partnership programmes Primary Debating

Year 6 students learn critical thinking and debating skills from Latymer students & teachers.

Previous participants in the Primary Debating programme gave us their feedback:

Primary Debating Student survey results


had fun and enjoyed themselves


had made new friends from other schools


learned new skills and information


now felt more happy and confident about going to secondary school

This project has been running since 2009 and allows up to 80 pupils in Year 6 from local primary schools to take part. Primary Debating starts after October half term each year and runs until the Easter holidays.

The course involves the same Year 6 pupils throughout and is taught exclusively by Year 12 students. The course culminates in an inter-school ‘Grand Debating Competition’ at the end of the Spring Term when a cup is presented to the winners. Staff from the primary schools are invited to accompany the pupils to learn how to coach debating skills in their own schools.

We’ve run this programme at Latymer for 14 years!

The founding aims were to increase engagement with complex current issues; encourage critical thinking; provide a context for social mixing and new friendships; and support confidence in stretching your comfort zone.

Students taking part are chosen by their schools, following discussions between their own teachers and parents, and are those who are most likely to benefit from the skills being taught and the overall experience.

"The children who are participating are all showing greater confidence and self-esteem. We are keen to put children forward for these projects who would otherwise not have such an opportunity."

Phoebe du Parcq, Head, Queen's Manor Primary School

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