LAST FEW PLACES – 5 week course every Wednesday, starting on 4 September from 7-8.30pm
This is the second of a three part series. These five lessons will look at key questions such as the distinctiveness of British approaches to colonialism and the best news is that there is NO examination at the end!
The lesson itself will run from 7-8.30pm, but you are invited to gather in the Staff Common Room to meet your classmates over a pre-class drink from 6.30pm each week.
The cost of the 5 week course is £125 (to include wine), with all profits divided between the Latymer Upper School Bursary Fund and The Christian White Memorial Fund for research into brain cancer.
There are only a few places left so please email former parent
Gay Search to book asap. Recordings of the 5 sessions of Part 1 are available.