It was lovely to see 100 members of the Latymer community come together to celebrate 25 years of co-education at Latymer on Thursday 23 June. The oldest Latymerian in attendance was from the Class of 1952 – while the youngest were from the Class of 2023!

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed reminiscing in our Archive tent – complete with school yearbooks and photographs from the past 25 years; illustrating the great transformation the school has undergone. You all have been part of a remarkable journey!

During the evening, we heard from Latymer Head, David Goodhew, Former Assistant Head of Sixth Form, Lisa McKeith, and a host of incredible alumni.

Thank you to everyone who joined us!

Some of our favourite quotes from the evening…

Frankie Reid (2009) “Latymer gave me the life I have today”

Fran Boorman (2000) “Latymer gave me so much confidence and self-belief”

Jenny Roome (2002) “I’ve gone on to a career in Social Mobility, and I’m so proud to see that Latymer stands for this too”

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